• Windows: Download the Windows installer (the first .exe file at http://
rubyforge.org/frs/?group id=167) and double-click on it.
• Linux: Download the Ruby source code from http://www.ruby-lang.org/
en/downloads/. Linux users, you know the drill: extract with
$ tar zxf
and install with
$ ./configure; make; sudo make install
If you don’t have sudo2 enabled, you’ll have to log in as root for the final
$ ./configure
$ make
$ su
# make install
• OS X: There are some issues with the Ruby that ships with OS X 10.4, so you
might want to take a look at this:3 http://hivelogic.com/articles/2005/
12/01/ruby rails lighttpd mysql tiger
2. Install RubyGems, the standard Ruby package manager
• Windows: Download the first RubyGems .zip file from http://rubyforge.
org/frs/?group id=126 and unzip it, extracting the files to a directory on your
local disk. Using a command prompt (DOS window), navigate to the directory
where you extracted the files and run
> ruby setup.rb
• Linux and OS X: Download the first RubyGems .tgz file from http://
rubyforge.org/frs/?group id=126, extract it, and run
$ ruby setup.rb
inside the source directory.
3. Install Rails at the command line:4
> gem install rails --include-dependencies